This was the scene at last Saturday's ipad debut in the Union Square
Apple Store. I patiently waded through the crowds and finally got some one-on-one time with the ipad. My verdict:
pretty awesome! It was speedy and responsive as all the reviews had mentioned, but it was also more
substantial than I expected (ie heavier). I think that's a good thing, since you don't want to spend good money on something that feels cheap and flimsy *cough..pre..cough*. The display is gorgeous, and I am looking forward to buying magazines through itunes. I hope there will be a way to extract content from magazines, like saving favorite clippings somewhere on the hardrive. There were also a few unexpected uses that have emerged for me. I can see this as a very beautiful digital frame when not in use. The new
Netflix app is also fantastic, I'm already a huge consumer of the streaming on my PS3. And I think I will get the
Pages app for writing, as I can connect to my bluetooth wireless keyboard. The touchscreen keyboard seems OK, but a little awkward to use for long periods.
The hardest part: waiting another few weeks for my 3G version.